Bradford Heights Home & School Association
You may have heard of parent-teacher organizations at other schools referred to as the “PTA” or “PTO.” In our school district, we call it “Home & School.” Each school in the district has its own Home and School Association.
The Home & School is a non-profit organization led by an Executive Board. The Executive Board is comprised of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Vice-Treasurer, and Secretary. The HSA Executive board is comprised of parent volunteers from current Bradford Heights students.
- Board of Directors
- Home & School Meetings
- Ways to get Involved with the HSA
- Fundraising
- Home & School Event Calendar & Committee Chairs
Board of Directors
Board of Directors for 2023-2024 School Year
The Home and School Association supports Bradford Heights by strengthening parent-to-parent relationships and parent-to-school relationships through a variety of efforts and events. In all things, the Home and School Association aims to:
- Open lines of communication between faculty, staff, and our families in order to encourage community involvement in school activities.
- Promote the overall growth and well-being of our children
- Offer opportunities to enrich our school programs and activities for all children and their families.
- Provide community representation at the District level through the Joint Home and School Association
In order to meet these objectives, the Home & School enhances the student experience by providing many activities and services to the school which are not provided by the school district. The Home & School pays for assemblies, field trips for each student, playground equipment, Fall & Spring activities, Scholastic memberships for classrooms, and much more.
President: Brittany Greiner, bgreiner@dasd.org
Vice-President: Shamena Russum, sha259@hotmail.com
Secretary: Mohan Subramani, moggyria@gmail.com
Treasurer: Kara Eldredge, kara.eldredge@yahoo.com
Vice-Treasurer: Jen Bienek, jhigg566@yahoo.com
Home & School Meetings
Home & School Meetings
All parents, faculty, and staff are invited and encouraged to attend Home and School Association meetings, held on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the school library. HSA meetings are an interesting way to meet people and learn more about the school.
Free childcare is also provided for those attending the meeting.
What happens at a meeting?
- A copy of the agenda is provided for those in attendance, which includes (but is not limited to):
- School-wide updates from the principal and teacher representative
- Updates provided from the HSA Executive Board
- Updates from the various committee members
- Faculty/parent/board member comments and questions are addressed
Ways to get Involved with the HSA
Ways to get involved with the HSA
The Home & School also provides opportunities for parents and guardians to volunteer and participate in their child’s education.
The HSA supports several annual fundraisers:
- The Bradford Heights Outgrown Sale (one in Spring and one in the Fall)
- Fall Festival
- Pizza Bingo
- The Talent Show, etc.
Those are just a few of the activities supported by the HSA to raise funds that directly support our school. Parents and guardians are encouraged to volunteer their time whenever possible.
If you’re interested in joining a committee, please contact a board member. We couldn’t do it without the volunteers that assist with these events! Even if you can only donate a little bit of time, every little bit helps!
Together we can achieve our common goals of supporting our children, the school, and the entire Bradford Heights school community. Go Bulldogs!
Donations are open! If your family is not in a position to financially support the school right now, you can still be involved by SHARING about our fundraiser with friends and extended family online at MyBooster.com. Sharing IS supporting!
Check out these fun incentives we’re working towards:
- $10,000 Goal = Kona Ice Truck
- Every grade level that reaches 65% registered on MyBooster.com = Extra Recess
Box Tops
Instead of clipping from packages and checking expiration dates, all Box Tops will be earned digitally by scanning your receipt. The Box Tops for Education team has worked hard to build a NEW-and-improved, user-friendly Box Tops mobile app, available now. Money earned from Box Tops directly benefits the students at Bradford Heights.
Home & School Event Calendar & Committee Chairs
- Fall Book Fair - October 4 - October 11, 2021
- BH Fall Outgrown Sale - October 16, 2021
- Fall Festival - October 29, 2021
- Breakfast with Santa - December 4, 2021
- Pizza Bingo - January 21, 2022
- Teacher Appreciation Breakfast - February 21, 2022
- BH Spring Outgrown Sale - March 19, 2022
- Boosterthon - March 23 - April 1, 2022
- Talent Show - April 8, 2022
- Teacher End of Year Luncheon - May 6, 2022
- Spring Book Fair - May 2022
Fall Book Fair - October 4 - October 11, 2021
BH Fall Outgrown Sale - October 16, 2021
Fall Festival - October 29, 2021
Breakfast with Santa - December 4, 2021
Pizza Bingo - January 21, 2022
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast - February 21, 2022
BH Spring Outgrown Sale - March 19, 2022
Boosterthon - March 23 - April 1, 2022
Talent Show - April 8, 2022
Teacher End of Year Luncheon - May 6, 2022
Spring Book Fair - May 2022
5th Grade
Helping Hands
Spirit Wear
Committee Chair(s):
- Brittany Greiner bgreiner0610@yahoo.com
Take a great photo at one of our events? Please send it to the yearbook committee at bhyearbook2122@gmail.com